Aerospike API
- Experimental API, meaning there is no production usecase on this yet.
- Basic Benchmarking has been performed to validate throughputs
Design Considerations
- Aerospike Spark Connector(Aerospark) is used to read data directly into a DataFrame (
- The reason for choosing Aerospark over Java client for read is explained below:
- Aerospark : Read data directly into a DataFrame
- Native Java Client : Driver program has to first collect all records from the aerospike nodes and then create a dataFrame which is a costly operation.
- Aerospike Native Java Client Put API is used.
- For each partition of the Dataframe a client connection is established, to write data from that partition to Aerospike.
Create Hive Table pointing to Aerospike Set
The following hive table points to a Aerospike
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `pcatalog.test_aero`(
`payload` string)
Catalog Properties
Property | Mandatory? | Description | Example | Default |
gimel.aerospike.seed.hosts | Y | list of hosts fqdn or ip | localhost | |
gimel.aerospike.port | Y | port | 3000 | 3000 |
gimel.aerospike.namespace | Y | the namespace in aerospike | test | |
gimel.aerospike.set | Y | aerospike set name | sample_set | |
gimel.aerospike.rowkey | N | the row key for the set | col1 | first column in dataframe |
Common Imports in all Aerospike API Usages
import com.paypal.gimel._
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD;
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import spray.json._;
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._;
Aerospike API Usage
val dataSet = DataSet(sparkSession);
val df ="pcatalog.test_aero")
// Create mock data
def stringed(n: Int) = s"""{"id": ${n},"name": "MAC-${n}", "address": "MAC-${n+1}", "age": "${n+1}", "company": "MAC-${n}", "designation": "MAC-${n}", "salary": "${n * 10000}" }""";
val numberOfRows=20;
val texts: Seq[String] = (1 to numberOfRows).map { x => stringed(x) }.toSeq;
val rdd: RDD[String] = sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(texts);
val dataFrameToWrite: DataFrame =;;
// write it to Aerospike via PCatalog
val df = dataSet.write("pcatalog.test_aero",dataFrameToWrite)