- Gimel JDBC API
- JDBC Write API
- JDBC QueryPushdown
- Gimel ExecuteBatch with QueryPushDown
[Teradata-To-Any-Storage JDBC Query PushDown](#teradata-to-any-storage–jdbc-query-pushdown)
- Create API
- Drop API
- Truncate API
- This is an experimental API.
- NOT vetted yet to be used at scale in production.
- Please contact Gimel Team if you consider using this API for your usecases.
Gimel JDBC APIs can be used to read data from Teradata. See how Teradata READ API works.
There are two ways you can read data from Teradata.
Both of the above ways make use of Dataset which is a logical abstraction over actual table in Teradata.
How to get the DataSet name?
Using UDC.
Go to UDC and search for the required table and get the dataset name.
Note: If you are specifying UDC as catalog provider, then please add
properties as well for every read and write API call. -
Using External Hive Table Example:
###### Teradata table
CREATE TABLE db_name.YELP_TIP ( text varchar(500), date varchar(500), likes varchar(500), business_id varchar(500), user_id varchar(500) )
###### Create Hive Table Pointing to Teradata table
// no need of schema here CREATE external TABLE udc.YELP_TIP_HIVE( temp string ) TBLPROPERTIES ( 'gimel.storage.type'='JDBC', 'gimel.jdbc.driver.class'='com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver', 'gimel.jdbc.input.table.name'='db_name.YELP_TIP_HIVE', 'gimel.jdbc.url'='jdbc:teradata://mycluster.example.com' );
Options for READ API
Teradata Read API supports read from table in two ways:
- Batch Read
JDBC Read Options
gimel.jdbc.username :(optional) Username of the Teradata user
gimel.jdbc.p.strategy: (optional) Password strategy defines, whether you want to user Gimel’s proxy user or password file as strategy.
gimel.jdbc.p.file.source: (optional) if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy option is set to “file”, then set this to local or hdfs based n where the password file is located.
gimel.jdbc.p.file: (optional) password file PATH, if using gimel.jdbc.p.strategy is set as file
charset:(optional) Character set or encoding of the text.
partitionColumn: The column to be specified as a partitionColumn in order to parallelize the read operation. User can specify it mannually or default partitionColumn will be the Primary Index of the table.
NOTE: partitionColumn must be a numeric column from the table in question
lowerBound : This specifies lower bound of partition column. If not specified, the lowerBounnd will be the minimum value in partitionColumn
upperBound : This specifies upper bound of partition column. If not specified, the upperBound will be the minimum value in partitionColumn
numPartitions: The maximum number of partitions that can be used for parallelism in table reading and writing. This also determines the maximum number of concurrent JDBC connections. If the number of partitions to write exceeds this limit, we decrease it to this limit by calling coalesce(numPartitions) before writing.
fetchSize: The JDBC fetch size, which determines how many rows to fetch per round trip. This can help performance on JDBC drivers which default to low fetch size to 10000. This option applies only to reading.
gimel.jdbc.read.type: This option specifies whether User wants to use batch read without FASTEXPORT or read with FASTEXPORT. Deafult values is set to empty string.
SESSIONS : This specifoes numbe rof sessions to use for Teradata Read operation.
Options with default values:
Option | Default | Values to specify |
gimel.jdbc.username | spark.user | Username |
gimel.jdbc.p.strategy | file | file/inline/custom , - if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = file, set gimel.jdbc.p.file as well, - if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = inline, set gimel.jdbc.password as well - if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = custom, set gimel.jdbc.auth.provider as well |
gimel.jdbc.p.file | hdfs:///user/$USER/password/teradata/pass.dat | NOTE: Specify this option if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = file. An HDFS/Local file path containing password |
gimel.jdbc.p.file.source | hdfs | local or hdfs |
gimel.jdbc.password | - | password |
charset | UTF16 | ASCII,UTF8,UTF16 |
numPartitions | 16 | Required number of partitions |
gimel.jdbc.read.partition.columns | Primary indexes for the table else no column | The columns on which the data has to be partitioned, delimited by comma |
lowerBound | min value of primary index column else none | Lower bound of the values in partition column, if known |
upperBound | max value of primary index column else none | Upper bound of the values in partition column, if known |
fetchSize | 10000 | User specified fetchSize |
gimel.jdbc.read.type | BATCH | FASTEXPORT |
SESSIONS | 5 | Required number of sessions |
gimel.jdbc.auth.provider | com.example.CustomAuthProvider - Custom auth provider for proxyuser credentials |
READ from Teradata Table using Gimel API - BATCH Read (No FASTEXPORT)
// common imports
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import com.paypal.gimel.DataSet
//Initiate DataSet
val dataSet: DataSet = DataSet(spark)
//options "can" be used to specify extra parameters to read data from teradata
val partitions = 4
val fetchSize = 10000
val options = Map(
("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
, ("fetchSize", s"${fetchSize}")
//read API
val readdf = dataSet.read(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", options)
// Do some usecase
READ from Teradata Table using Gimel API with FASTEXPORT
// common imports
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import com.paypal.gimel.DataSet
//Initiate DataSet
val dataSet: DataSet = DataSet(spark)
//options "can" be used to specify extra parameters to read data from teradata
val partitions = 4
val fetchSize = 10000
val options = Map(
("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
, ("fetchSize", s"${fetchSize}")
, ("gimel.jdbc.read.type", "FASTEXPORT")
val readdf = dataSet.read(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", options)
// Do some usecase
READ from Teradata Table using Gimel API with Password File
Setting password for JDBC datasource
- Using Proxy User [Only for Teradata]
This way will mask the spark user with Gimel’s proxy user. User will not need to specify password in this case.
Here, AuthProvider is required to get credentials for gimel proxy user. You need to extend com.paypal.gimel.common.security.AuthProvider in gimel-common and implement getCredentials method.
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import com.paypal.gimel.DataSet
//Initiate DataSet
val dataSet: DataSet = DataSet(spark)
val options = Map("rest.service.method" -> "https",
"rest.service.host" -> "udc-service-host",
"rest.service.port" -> "443",
"gimel.jdbc.auth.provider.class" -> "com.example.CustomAuthProvider",
"gimel.jdbc.p.strategy" -> "custom")
val df = dataset.read("UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", options)
- Using Password File
Password for JDBC data sources are specified in the file stored in any HDFS location. If not specified, default the API will look for password file at location in HDFS hdfs:///user/$USER/password/teradata/pass.dat
This file will contain password in the format jdbc_url/$USER,password
e.g. The password for Teradata can be specified in file hdfs:///user/$USER/password/teradata/pass.dat
Password for JDBC data source can be specified as agruments in the APIs in two ways:
1. Spark Configuration parameters:
Use ```--conf gimel.jdbc.p.file=PASSWORD_FILE_PATH_IN_HDFS```
2. As options in READ/WRITE APIs:
```val options= Map(("gimel.jdbc.p.file", "hdfs:///user/pass.dat"))```
* API Usuage:
If password file is in HDFS:
// common imports
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import com.paypal.gimel.DataSet
//Initiate DataSet
val dataSet: DataSet = DataSet(spark)
val partitions = 4
val fetchSize = 10000
val options = Map(
("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
, ("fetchSize", s"${fetchSize}")
, ("gimel.jdbc.read.type", "FASTEXPORT")
val readdf = dataSet.read(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", options)
// Do some usecase
If password file is LOCAL:
// common imports
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import com.paypal.gimel.DataSet
//Initiate DataSet
val dataSet: DataSet = DataSet(sparkSession)
val partitions = 4
val fetchSize = 10000
val options = Map(
("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
, ("fetchSize", s"${fetchSize}")
, ("gimel.jdbc.read.type", "FASTEXPORT")
val readdf = dataSet.read(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", options)
// Do some usecase
Specify password inline
// common imports
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import com.paypal.gimel.DataSet
// set the catalog provider to Hive/UDC
spark.sql("set gimel.catalog.provider=HIVE")
//Initiate DataSet
val dataSet: DataSet = DataSet(spark)
val partitions = 4
val fetchSize = 10000
val options = Map(
("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
, ("fetchSize", s"${fetchSize}")
, ("gimel.jdbc.read.type", "FASTEXPORT")
val readdf = dataSet.read("UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", options)
// Do some usecase
Gimel JDBC APIs can be used to write into Teradata table. See how Teradata WRITE API works
There are two ways you can read data from Teradata.
Both of the above ways make use of Dataset which is a logical abstraction over actual table in Teradata.
How to get the DataSet name?
Using UDC
Go to UDC and search for the required table and get the dataset name.
Note: If you are specifying UDC as catalog provider, then please add
properties as well for every read and write API call. -
Using External Hive Table Example:
###### Teradata table
CREATE TABLE db_name.YELP_TIP ( text varchar(500), date varchar(500), likes varchar(500), business_id varchar(500), user_id varchar(500) )
###### Create Hive Table Pointing to Teradata table
// no need of schema here CREATE external TABLE udc.YELP_TIP_HIVE( temp string ) TBLPROPERTIES ( 'gimel.storage.type'='JDBC', 'gimel.jdbc.driver.class'='com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver', 'gimel.jdbc.input.table.name'='db_name.YELP_TIP', 'gimel.jdbc.url'='jdbc:teradata://jdbc_url' );
Options for WRITE API
Teradata Write API supports read from table in two ways:
- Batch Write
Teradata Write Options
gimel.jdbc.username :(optional) Username of the Teradata user
gimel.jdbc.p.strategy: (optional) Password strategy defines, whether you want to user Gimel’s proxy user or password file as strategy.
gimel.jdbc.p.file.source: (optional) if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy option is set to “file”, then set this to local or hdfs based n where the password file is located.
gimel.jdbc.p.file: (optional) password file PATH, if using gimel.jdbc.p.strategy is set as file
gimel.jdbc.password: (optional) Password from user, if using gimel.jdbc.p.strategy is set as inline
gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy: This option specifies how you want to write data into Teradata.
1. insert (default): Just insert into Teradata table.
2. FullLoad: Trusncate table and insert into table.
3. update: Update table with Primary key.
4. append: Update and Insert. -
charset:(optional) Character set or encoding of the text.
numPartitions: The maximum number of partitions that can be used for parallelism in table reading and writing. This also determines the maximum number of concurrent JDBC connections. If the number of partitions to write exceeds this limit, we decrease it to this limit by calling coalesce(numPartitions) before writing.
batchSize: The JDBC batch size, which determines how many rows to insert per round trip. This can help performance on JDBC drivers. This option applies only to writing. It defaults to 10000.
gimel.jdbc.write.type: This option specifies whether User wants to use write without FASTLOAD or with FASTLOAD. Deafult values is set to empty string.
SESSIONS : This specifies numbe rof sessions to use for Teradata Write operation.
Options with default values:
Option | Default | Values to specify |
gimel.jdbc.username | spark.user | Username |
gimel.jdbc.p.strategy | file | file/inline/custom , - if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = file, set gimel.jdbc.p.file as well, - if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = inline, set gimel.jdbc.password as well - if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = custom, set gimel.jdbc.auth.provider as well |
gimel.jdbc.p.file | hdfs:///user/$USER/password/teradata/pass.dat | NOTE: Specify this option if gimel.jdbc.p.strategy = file. An HDFS/Local file path containing password |
gimel.jdbc.p.file.source | hdfs | local or hdfs |
gimel.jdbc.password | - | password |
gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy | insert | insert, FullLoad, upsert, update |
charset | UTF16 | ASCII,UTF8,UTF16 |
numPartitions | 12 | Required number of partitions |
batchSize | 10000 | User specified batchSize |
gimel.jdbc.write.type | - | FASTLOAD |
SESSIONS | 5 | Required number of sessions |
gimel.jdbc.auth.provider | com.example.CustomAuthProvider - Custom auth provider for proxyuser credentials |
Create Teradata table
create table db_name.user_test
id bigint,
"name" varchar(300),
rev bigint
Create Hive Table Pointing to Teradata table
create external table udc.user_test
id bigint,
name string,
rev bigint
Teradata Write with GimelProxyUser
Write into Teradata Table using Gimel API- BATCH Write (No FASTLOAD)
//Initiate DataSet
val dataset = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(spark)
val batchSize = 1000
val partitions = 2
val options: Map[String, String] = Map(
("batchSize", s"${batchSize}")
, ("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
dataSet.write(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", readdf, options)
Write into Teradata Table using Gimel API with FASTLOAD
//Initiate DataSet
val dataset = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(sparkSession)
val batchSize = 1000
val partitions = 2
val options: Map[String, String] = Map(
("batchSize", s"${batchSize}")
, ("numPartitions", s"${partitions}"),
, ("gimel.jdbc.read.type", "FASTLOAD")
dataSet.write(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", readdf, options)
Write into Teradata Table using Gimel API- BATCH Write -No FASTLOAD- with Password File
Setting password for JDBC datasource
- Using Proxy User [Only for Teradata]
This way will mask the spark user with Gimel’s proxy user. User will not need to specify password in this case.
- Using Password File
Password for JDBC data sources are specified in the file stored in any HDFS location. If not specified, default the API will look for password file at location in HDFS hdfs:///user/$USER/password/teradata/pass.dat
This file will contain password in the format jdbc_url/$USER,password
e.g. The password for Teradata can be specified in file hdfs:///user/$USER/password/teradata/pass.dat
Password for JDBC data source can be specified as agruments in the APIs in two ways:
1. Spark Configuration parameters:
Use ```--conf gimel.jdbc.p.file=PASSWORD_FILE_PATH_IN_HDFS```
2. As options in READ/WRITE APIs:
```val options= Map(("gimel.jdbc.p.file", "hdfs:///user/pass.dat"))```
* API Usuage:
If password file is in HDFS:
//Initiate DataSet
val dataset = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(sparkSession)
val batchSize = 1000
val partitions = 2
val options: Map[String, String] = Map(
("batchSize", s"${batchSize}")
, ("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
dataSet.write(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", readdf, options)
If password file is in LOCAL:
//Initiate DataSet
val dataset = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(sparkSession)
val batchSize = 1000
val partitions = 2
val options: Map[String, String] = Map(
("batchSize", s"${batchSize}")
, ("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
dataSet.write(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", readdf, options)
Teradata Update API
Teradata Update API works using write API. All JDBC options for the write are supported in update API as well. Teradata update API adds one more option to update the table: jdbc.insertStrategy
Requirement: User should specify gimel.jdbc.update.whereColumns for UPDATE and UPSERT operations. If not specified, API will use PRIMARY keys of table as where conditions.
Limitation: This Update API constructs following kind of query:
Currently, update API does is limited to where conditions in equality(=) and DOES NOT support inequality conditions (>,<,>=,<=) etc.
Option | Default | Values to specify |
gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy | insert | update,FullLoad,upsert |
Teradata Update table [Update] : gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy=update
Gimel Teradata write API updates the table based on primary keys in the table. Setting this option, API updates the teradata table where primary key matches the corresponding column in given dataframe.
Option | Default | Values to specify |
gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy | - | update |
gimel.jdbc.update.setColumns | all columns of the table | column1,column2 |
gimel.jdbc.update.whereColumns | primary keys of the table | column1,column2 |
// set the update option: gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy=update
//Initiate DataSet
val dataset = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(spark)
val batchSize = 1000
val partitions = 2
val options: Map[String, String] = Map(
("gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy", "update")
, ("batchSize", s"${batchSize}")
, ("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
, ("gimel.jdbc.update.setColumns","text,date")
, ("gimel.jdbc.update.whereColumns","business_id")
dataSet.write(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", readdf, options)
Teradata Update table [Truncate-Insert] : gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy=FullLoad
Gimel Teradata write API updates the table based on primary keys in the table. Setting this option, API truncates the teradata target table first & then inserts the source dataframe into target table.
NOTE: No need to specify gimel.jdbc.update.setColumns and gimel.jdbc.update.whereColumns properties in this case.
Option | Default | Values to specify |
gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy | - | FullLoad |
// set the update option: jdbc.insertStrategy=FullLoad
//Initiate DataSet
val dataset = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(spark)
val batchSize = 1000
val partitions = 2
val options: Map[String, String] = Map(
("gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy", "FullLoad")
, ("batchSize", s"${batchSize}")
, ("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
dataSet.write(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", readdf, options)
Teradata Update table [Update-Insert] : jdbc.insertStrategy=upsert
Gimel Teradata write API updates the table based on primary keys in the table. Setting this option, API updates the target teradata table wherever primary key of target table matches corresponding column value in source dataframe. If key is not found in target table, it inserts the corresponding row into target teradata table.
Option | Default | Values to specify |
gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy | - | upsert |
gimel.jdbc.update.setColumns | all columns of the table | column1,column2 |
gimel.jdbc.update.whereColumns | primary keys of the table | column1,column2 |
//Initiate DataSet
val dataset = com.paypal.gimel.DataSet(sparkSession)
val batchSize = 1000
val partitions = 2
val options: Map[String, String] = Map(
("gimel.jdbc.insertStrategy", "upsert")
, ("batchSize", s"${batchSize}")
, ("numPartitions", s"${partitions}")
, ("gimel.jdbc.update.setColumns","text,date")
, ("gimel.jdbc.update.whereColumns","business_id")
dataSet.write(s"UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP", readdf, options)
JDBC QueryPushdown
See how Gimel QueryPushDown works.
Gimel ExecuteBatch with QueryPushDown - with GimelProxyUser
val partitions = 4
val fetchSize = 10000
spark.sql("set gimel.catalog.provider=UDC")
spark.sql(s"SET numPartitions=${partitions}")
spark.sql(s"SET fetchSize=${fetchSize}")
spark.sql(s"SET gimel.jdbc.read.type=FASTEXPORT")
spark.sql(s"SET gimel.jdbc.enableQueryPushdown=true")
val sql = s""" SELECT count(*) as cnt
UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP_GIMEL_WRITE_10000M a
UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP_GIMEL_WRITE_10000M b
ON a.id > b.id
val df = GimelQueryProcessor.executeBatch(sql, spark)
Teradata-To-Any-Storage | JDBC Query PushDown
Sample Steps
// import
import com.paypal.gimel.scaas.GimelQueryProcessor
// Credentials
spark.sql("set gimel.catalog.provider=UDC")
spark.sql(s"SET numPartitions=4")
spark.sql(s"SET fetchSize=10000")
spark.sql(s"SET gimel.jdbc.read.type=FASTEXPORT")
spark.sql(s"SET gimel.jdbc.enableQueryPushdown=true")
// Set this function if your entire select clause is on just one Teradata System
// Execute your Query - Entire Query
|insert into UDC.MYHIVECLUSTER.Hive.default.Gimel_Testing_Hive_Table
| select * from
| (
| select
| distinct(t1.id) as id
| , sum(t2.usd_amt) over (partition by t1.id) as total_amt
| , count(t2.amnt_id) over (partition by t1.customer_id) as total_count
| from
| UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP1 t1
| join UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP2 t2
| on t1.customer_id = t2.sender_id
| where t2.pay_date >= current_date - 2
| ) tbl
| where tbl.total_count > 5000
|""".stripMargin ,
Create API
// We need to pass the schema and system attributes in the json
val dataSetProps = s"""
{"datasetType":"JDBC","fields":[{"fieldName":"id","fieldType":"VARCHAR(10)","isFieldNullable": false},{"fieldName":"name","fieldType":"VARCHAR(10)","isFieldNullable": false}],"partitionFields":[],"props":{"gimel.jdbc.input.table.name":"yelpdb.YELP_TIP1","gimel.storage.type":"JDBC","gimel.jdbc.url":"jdbc:teradata://jdbc-url","gimel.jdbc.driver.class":"com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver"}}"""
val options = Map(("gimel.catalog.provider","USER"),("UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP1.dataSetProperties", dataSetProps),("gimel.jdbc.username","user"),("gimel.jdbc.p.file","hdfs:///user/pass.dat"));
val isCreated = dataSet.create("UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP1", options)
- Create table in teradata database ```scala // We need to pass the schema and a flag getSystemProp to true so that the application will retrive the system attributes
val dataSetProps = s”””{“datasetType”:”JDBC”,”fields”:[{“fieldName”:”id”,”fieldType”:”VARCHAR(10)”,”isFieldNullable”: false},{“fieldName”:”name”,”fieldType”:”VARCHAR(10)”,”isFieldNullable”: false}],”partitionFields”:[],”props”:{“gimel.jdbc.input.table.name”:”yelpdb.YELP_TIP1”,”gimel.get.system.properties”:”true”}}””” val options2 = Map((“gimel.catalog.provider”,”USER”),(“UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP1.dataSetProperties”,dataSetProps),(“gimel.jdbc.username”,”user”),(“gimel.jdbc.p.file”,”hdfs://tmp/pass.dat”)); spark.conf.set(“gimel.catalog.provider”,”USER”) val isCreated = dataSet.create(“UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP1”, options2 )
## Drop API
val options = Map(("gimel.catalog.provider","UDC"),("gimel.jdbc.username","user"),("gimel.jdbc.p.file","hdfs://tmp/pass.dat"));
val isCreated = dataSet.drop("UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP1", options)
Truncate API
- Truncates the table (purge the data from the table)
val options = Map(("gimel.catalog.provider","UDC"),("gimel.jdbc.username","user"),("gimel.jdbc.p.file","hdfs://tmp/pass.dat")); spark.conf.set("gimel.catalog.provider","UDC") val isCreated = dataSet.truncate("UDC.Teradata.mycluster.yelpdb.YELP_TIP1", options))