See: Description
Package | Description |
com.paypal.selion.annotations |
This package houses all of the custom annotations that are used by SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.configuration |
A package which contains configuration information for SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.internal.configuration |
Package containing configuration information that are internal to SeLion framework.
com.paypal.selion.internal.platform.asserts |
Package containing internal classes required for customized hard and soft assertion in SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.internal.platform.grid |
This package houses some of the utilities that are meant to be internally consumed by SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.internal.platform.grid.browsercapabilities |
Package containing various internal browser initiation objects for various browsers supported by SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.internal.platform.pageyaml |
Internal package housing all the classes related to parsing the GUI Object map to create SeLion specific Page Objects.
com.paypal.selion.internal.reports.excelreport |
Package containing internal classes to generate test execution reports in Excel format.
com.paypal.selion.internal.reports.html |
Package containing internal classes to generate test execution reports in HTML format.
com.paypal.selion.internal.reports.model |
Package containing internal classes related Web logging, extracting HTML source and taking screen shots to assist in test reporting.
com.paypal.selion.internal.reports.runtimereport |
Package containing internal classes supporting runtime report generation.
| |
Package containing internal classes for reporting services.
com.paypal.selion.internal.utils |
This package houses some of the utilities that are internally consumed by SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.platform.asserts |
Contains classes required for customized hard and soft assertion in SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.platform.grid |
A collection of classes that support local and remote test executions, concurrent session management and custom annotation to drive UI tests.
com.paypal.selion.platform.grid.browsercapabilities |
Browser initiation objects for various browsers supported by SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.platform.html |
Classes that provide an abstraction to all the HTML elements used in SeLion.
| |
Contains the customized location strategy for identifying web elements.
| |
Contains the customized event strategy for web elements.
| |
Contains the classes and exceptions classes common to iOS and Android platforms.
| |
Contains the interfaces and classes for Android page objects.
| |
Contains common element interfaces for both Android and iOS
| |
Contains the interfaces and classes for iOS page objects.
com.paypal.selion.platform.utilities |
Contains the common set of utilities to assist in writing tests using SeLion.
com.paypal.selion.reports.runtime |
Reporting related classes and listener for debugging.
| |
A collection of service classes that are internally used by SeLion for all reporting related activities.
com.paypal.selion.testcomponents |
Contains re-usable page object components for testing.
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