
Application transformation tool

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Installing Butterfly

Before installing Butterfly

Before installing Butterfly, make sure you have Java 7, or newer, installed (run java -version to check). Oracle HotSpot 7 or newer and Open JDK 8 or newer are supported. Open JDK 7 is not supported because of this issue.

Installing Butterfly from zip file

  1. Download and extract butterfly-cli-package.zip file
  2. Cd to the butterfly folder and run butterfly. If you see its help, Butterfly has been installed properly
  3. Run butterfly –l and notice that you have no Butterfly extensions at this point, as seen below
No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
Started ButterflyCliApp in 0.965 seconds (JVM running for 1.427)
Butterfly application transformation tool (version 3.2.7)
There are no registered extensions

Installing a Butterfly extension

If you are not familiar with “Butterfly extensions”, then read What is a Butterfly extension?.

Follow the steps bellow to install a Butterfly extension.

  1. Copy its jar file to the extensions folder under Butterfly installation folder
  2. Run butterfly –l and check if your extension has been installed

You would get an output similar to the one below if you’ve installed the sample extension used in Quick-Start page.

No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
Started ButterflyCliApp in 0.909 seconds (JVM running for 1.397)
Butterfly application transformation tool (version 3.2.7)
See registered extensions below (shortcut in parenthesis)

- com.extensiontest.SampleExtension: Sample extension (version 1.0.0)
	 (1) - [TT] 	 com.extensiontest.SampleTransformationTemplate 	 Sample transformation template

If your Butterfly extension needs Maven

If the extension you are going to use performs Maven executions, also make sure you have Maven installed and an environment variable M2_HOME set to its installation folder. Notice that POM file operations are not considered Maven executions, but running mvn verify in the background would be an example of Maven execution.

Also, if you are using Java 8, make sure you don’t have MaxPermSize set to your Maven MAVEN_OPTS environment variable, otherwise you will see annoying, but harmless, warnings when running Butterfly (more details here)