
Application transformation tool

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Quick Start

In this document we will install Butterfly, and run it to transform a sample application, a REST service originally following a WAR structure, to be Spring Boot based.

Follow the steps below.

1- Installing Butterfly

2- The sample application

  • Download the sample application from sample-app.zip and unzip it in a working directory.
  • Take a look at the application files. Notice that, as a typical WAR project, it has, for example, a web.xml file under a webapp/WEB-INF folder.
 ├── README.md
 ├── pom.xml
 └── src
     └── main
         ├── java
         │   └── com
         │       └── sample
         │           └── app
         │               ├── Echo.java
         │               ├── EchoMessage.java
         │               ├── EchoMessageCreator.java
         │               └── JaxrsApplication.java
         └── webapp
             └── WEB-INF
                 ├── applicationContext.xml
                 └── web.xml
  • Optionally, build, deploy and test it. You can do so by running the command below, deploying the generated war file to a Servlet container (like Tomcat for example), and then following the README.md file in the application root folder to test it.
 mvn package

3- Running Butterfly

  • Now, finally Butterfly will be used to transform the application. First, lets see which transformation templates are available. Run the command below. You will notice the sample extension you installed has one transformation template to migrate the application from Java WAR format to Spring Boot, and also one upgrade step to upgrade the application to a newer Spring Boot version, once application is migrated to Spring Boot.
 butterfly -l
  • Let’s first migrate the application to Spring Boot by running the command below. Notice we are using a shortcut to refer to the migration transformation template (option -s1). We know the shortcut number because it was displayed when we listed the installed extensions. If you want to see details as transformation runs, provide option -v to run Butterfly in verbose mode, or -vd to also display debug log statements.
 butterfly sample-app -s1
  • Check if you got an output similar to this:
 No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
 Started ButterflyCliApp in 1.097 seconds (JVM running for 1.563)
 Butterfly application transformation tool (version 2.0.0)
 Transformation template associated with shortcut 1: com.test.SampleTransformationTemplate
 Application to be transformed: /Users/fabio/dev/butterfly/butterfly/tests/sample-app
 Transformation template class: com.test.SampleTransformationTemplate
 Performing transformation (it might take a few seconds)
 Application has been transformed successfully!
 Transformed application folder: /Users/fabio/dev/butterfly/butterfly/transformed-apps/sample-app-transformed-20171016175315818
 Check log file for details: /Users/fabio/dev/butterfly/butterfly/logs/sample-app_20171016175311736.log
  • Notice that Butterfly placed the transformed application in a new folder, with a timestamp as suffix on its name.
 Transformed application folder: /Users/fabio/dev/butterfly/butterfly/transformed-apps/sample-app-transformed-20171016175315818
  • Notice also that it differs from the original application, as expected. For example, the whole webapp folder has been removed.
 ├── README.md
 ├── pom.xml
 └── src
     └── main
         └── java
             └── com
                 └── sample
                     └── app
                         ├── Application.java
                         ├── Echo.java
                         ├── EchoMessage.java
                         ├── EchoMessageCreator.java
                         └── JaxrsApplication.java

  • Open the log file, its location was printed on the console.
 Check log file for details: /Users/fabio/dev/butterfly/butterfly/logs/sample-app_20171016175311736.log
  • See a description of all changes that were performed to transform the application.
 [18:11:36.951] [INFO] Beginning transformation
 [18:11:36.977] [INFO] 	1	 - Packaging for POM file /pom.xml has been changed to jar
 [18:11:36.979] [INFO] 	2	 - Parent for POM file (/pom.xml) has been set to org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:pom:1.5.6.RELEASE
 [18:11:36.984] [INFO] 	3	 - Plugin org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin has been added to POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.986] [INFO] 	4	 - Property spring.version has been removed from POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.987] [INFO] 	5	 - Dependency org.springframework:spring-context has been removed from POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.988] [INFO] 	6	 - Dependency org.springframework:spring-web has been removed from POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.989] [INFO] 	7	 - Dependency org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-servlet-initializer has been removed from POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.990] [INFO] 	8	 - Dependency org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jackson2-provider has been removed from POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.991] [INFO] 	9	 - Dependency org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-spring has been removed from POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.992] [INFO] 	10	 - Dependency org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web has been added to POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:36.993] [INFO] 	11	 - Dependency com.paypal.springboot:resteasy-spring-boot-starter:2.3.3-RELEASE has been added to POM file /pom.xml
 [18:11:37.001] [INFO] 	12	 - Folder '/src/main/webapp' has been removed
 [18:11:37.002] [INFO] 	13	 - File 'file:/Users/fabio/dev/butterfly/butterfly/tests/butterfly-springboot-extension/target/classes/Application.java' has been downloaded at /src/main/java/com/sample/app
 [18:11:37.004] [INFO] 	14	 - File README.md has had 1 line(s) where text replacement was applied based on regular expression '(Spring framework)'
 [18:11:37.005] [INFO] 	15	 - File README.md has had 1 line(s) where text replacement was applied based on regular expression '(Just deploy its war file to a Servlet container and start it.)'
 [18:11:37.006] [INFO] 	16	 - Text has been inserted from file:/Users/fabio/dev/butterfly/butterfly/tests/butterfly-springboot-extension/target/classes/README_piece_of_text.txt to README.md after 1 line(s) that matches regular expression '(There are two ways to start the application:)'
 [18:11:37.006] [INFO] Transformation has been completed

4- The transformed application

  • Optionally, build, run and test the transformed application. You can build and start it very easily by running:
 mvn package spring-boot:run
  • To test it, do as you did before (follow its README file), since the application functionality remains the same.

5- What is next?

You could now try upgrading the sample application to a newer Spring Boot version, using shortcut 2 against the migrated application folder.

Also, Butterfly has a variety of very helpful running modes. Read Running Butterfly for further information.

If you are interested in developing your own Butterfly extension, then read Extension development guide.