
class ShippingChangeAction
extension ShippingChangeAction : CVarArg, CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable, Hashable, NSObjectProtocol


  • This should only be used if not using the ‘patch’ function to update your order. If you are using the reject action you will need to resolve to approve in cases where you want to remove the error message. This will be set automatically if using the patch order request.



    func approve()
  • Makes a request to the PayPal API to update an order.


    • Only compatible with orders generated by the PayPal v2 API that are one time payment transactions.
    • Can only be applied to orders with the CREATED or APPROVED status. You cannot update an order with the COMPLETED status.
    • You will need to handle any errors vended on the order request as part of the patch function.
    • You do not need to invoke approve() or rejected() when patching an order. These actions will be updated based on the result of the patch request by the SDK.



    @available(*, deprecated, message: "
        This function will be removed in a future version.
        Calling this client side function will continue to work as expected, however we will soon only
        support server side integrations.
    func patch(request: PatchRequest, onComplete: @escaping (PatchActionSuccess?, Error?) -> Void)



    The request to update the order with.

    • Currently supports the following:
    • shippingName - add, replace
    • shippingAddress - add, replace
    • shippingOptions - add, replace
    • amount - replace


    Closure invoked when the patch request has resolved. Asynchronously vends either a PatchActionSuccess or an Error object.

  • Makes a request to the SDK to refresh the UI with an error message. This should be used in cases where you want to display an error message under the shipping address and redirect the user to select another address before continuing the checkout flow. This will be set automatically if using the patch order request.



    func reject()