Seller onboarding

This workflow enables to onboard sellers in Hyperwallet by creating users and bank accounts in Hyperwallet, and updating the KYC status in Mirakl.

The steps for onboarding a seller are as follows:

  • The seller creates a shop in Mirakl entering the bank account information for receiving the payments.

  • The connector runs the seller extraction job, creating or updating the user in Hyperwallet.

  • The connector runs the extract bank account job, creating or updating the bank account in Hyperwallet.

  • Hyperwallet customer team gets in contact with the seller through his contact information to start the KYC process.

  • Hyperwallet sends a notification to the connector about the progress of the KYC process, and the connector updates the KYC status in Mirakl.

The connector can run the extraction jobs automatically through a configurable schedule, or the user can run the jobs manually using the job API.


Seller onboarding jobs

The connector provides three jobs for handling the process described before:

  • Professional sellers extraction batch job.

  • Individual sellers extraction batch job.

  • Bank account extraction batch job.

The connector handles the KYC processing asynchronously by processing the notifications received from Hyperwallet.

Sellers extraction

The sellers extraction jobs retrieve changed shops from Mirakl and create or update the corresponding user in Hyperwallet.

Based on the seller’s type, the connector provides two different jobs:

  • Individual sellers extraction job.

  • Professional sellers extraction job.

What’s described here applies to both professional and individual sellers extraction jobs.


  • The connector supports individual and professional sellers, providing a different job for each type. The difference between them is the data read from the shop in Mirakl and the data required to create the user in Hyperwallet.

  • A seller can create more than one shop in Mirakl, for example, to sell in different currencies. In this case, the connector exports each shop as a separate user in Hyperwallet as if they were different sellers.

  • Sellers need to accept Hyperwallet’s terms and conditions in Mirakl. The connector filter out shops that don’t have the custom field Hyperwallet Ts & Cs and Privacy Policy consent set to yes.

Seller extraction process


Bank account export

Bank account extraction is the process of retrieving the shops that have changed in Mirakl and creating or updating the corresponding bank accounts in Hyperwallet.


  • The connector supports the following bank account types from Mirakl:

    • IBAN

    • United States A.B.A.

    • Canadian bank account

    • United Kingdom bank account

  • When creating the bank account in Hyperwallet, the connector uses the currency of the shop if it’s supported by Hyperwallet. Otherwise, it uses a currency compatible with the bank account country and bank account type.

  • The connector supports updating the bank account information in Hyperwallet. But if the changes in the bank account aren’t compatible with the existing bank account in Hyperwallet, the connector creates a new bank account.

  • When the marketplace currency isn’t supported in Hyperwallet for the bank account of the seller, the connector automatically selects a compatible currency. The payments are always made in the marketplace currency.

Bank account extraction process


KYC status processing

The KYC process starts after creating the user in Hyperwallet. Hyperwallet gets in contact with the seller through the shop’s contact information in Mirakl.

The KYC status processing isn’t started by the connector using jobs. Hyperwallet servers are the ones notifying the progress of the KYC verification to the connector. The connector then updates the KYC status in Mirakl.


  • The connector makes uses of the webhooks functionality provided by Hyperwallet.

  • The connector updates the KYC status in Mirakl which is visible in the Mirakl backoffice for the sellers.

KYC status processing process
