Features and limitations

Supported workflows

The connector supports the main workflows for providing payout connectivity between Hyperwallet and Mirakl. The following diagram depicts the supported functionalities

  • Seller onboarding with KYC verification

  • Payout

Supported workflows and connectivity


Seller onboarding

Feature Connector→Mirakl Actions Connector→Hyperwallet Actions

Create payee account for Individual Hyperwallet User

  • Retrieve shop details from Mirakl for newly onboarded sellers trading as individuals.

  • Obtains all shops added to operator marketplace since the previous extract.

  • Mirakl shop record updated with generated Hyperwallet User token (Additional Mirakl custom field).

  • Assign the shop to a relevant level within the operator program hierarchy (e.g. if the operator works through separate legal entities in different jurisdictions).

  • Create a new User in Hyperwallet with type of INDIVIDUAL

  • One Hyperwallet User created for each newly onboarded Individual seller obtained from Mirakl.

  • The shop will be assigned to the corresponding operator program within the merchant program hierarchy in Hyperwallet.

Create payee account for Business Hyperwallet User

  • Retrieve shop details from Mirakl for newly onboarded sellers trading as businesses.

  • Obtains all shops added to operator marketplace since the previous extract.

  • Mirakl shop record updated with generated. Hyperwallet User token (Additional Mirakl custom field).

  • Assign the shop to a relevant level within the operator program hierarchy (e.g. if the operator works through separate legal entities in different jurisdictions).

  • Create a new User in Hyperwallet with type of BUSINESS.

  • One Hyperwallet User created for each newly onboarded Business seller obtained from Mirakl.

  • The shop will be assigned to the corresponding operator program within the merchant program hierarchy in Hyperwallet.

Accept Hyperwallet T&Cs

  • Only retrieve shops that accepted the Hyperwallet T&Cs.

  • Only shops that have accepted Hyperwallet T&Cs will be sent to Hyperwallet.

  • Rejecting the T&Cs means the shop will not be eligible for any of the Hyperwallet features including payout.

Update existing Hyperwallet Users

  • Retrieve the details of all existing shops in Mirakl that have been updated since the last extract.

  • Custom field containing the Hyperwallet User token indicates the Shop already exists in Hyperwallet.

  • Update the existing Hyperwallet User with all shop data retrieved from Mirakl.

  • The user token will be used to update the relevant Payee record in Hyperwallet.

Create Bank account

  • Retrieve bank account details for newly onboarded sellers. The following Mirakl bank account types are supported:

    • IBAN (EUR, CHF);

    • U.S. ABA (USD);


    • United Kingdom account (GBP).

  • Mirakl shop record updated with generated Hyperwallet bank account token (Additional Mirakl custom field).

  • Note: There is not separate payment method in Mirakl for UK bank accounts, hence this cannot be implemented at this stage.[image]

  • Bank account (i.e. Transfer Method) created after the User account is successfully created for the seller in Hyperwallet.

  • A single bank account created for the existing Hyperwallet User account.

  • Bank Account is the only transfer method supported in HMC.

Update Bank account details

  • Retrieve the details of bank accounts that have been updated since the last extract.

  • Custom field containing the Hyperwallet TRM token indicates the bank account for the shop already exists in Hyperwallet.

  • Update the existing bank accounts with new details from Mirakl, i.e. update existing Transfer method.

Configurable seller data extract frequency

  • Operator can configure the frequency of the shop details/bank account retrieval from Mirakl.

  • Process to extract shop data from Mirakl is triggered based on configured frequency

KYC verification

Feature Connector→Mirakl Actions Connector→Hyperwallet Actions

KYC status updates

  • Update Mirakl with KYC status changes received from Hyperwallet via HMC.

  • KYC status is displayed as part of the shop record in Mirakl

  • Receive a notification of changes in KYC status as part of the payee verification process. This will be received by the Connector via a webhook and sent through to Mirakl.

KYC failure reasons

  • Send a predefined failure reasons based on the KYC status received.

  • Failure reason is displayed as part of the shop record in Mirakl

  • Receive KYC status update from Hyperwallet


Feature Connector→Mirakl Actions Connector→Hyperwallet Actions

Payout to sellers

  • Retrieve details of all seller invoices generated since the last extract.

  • Retrieves invoices generated by the Mirakl operator billing cycle, or manual credit notes, that are eligible for payout and:

    • have not yet been paid;

    • are not in draft state.

  • Create a payment request for paying out the seller based on the details of the invoice.

  • All seller payouts are from a single operator funding account.

  • Seller payouts made to the seller bank account stored in Hyperwallet

Payout to Operator

  • Retrieve details of the operator commission and subscription fee amounts due for each seller invoice.

  • Operators can configure whether to turn off this automated payout process.

  • Create a new operator payout request to payout the individual commission and subscription fee amounts due to the operator for each seller invoice

  • If operator chooses to turn off the automated payout, their commission and subscription will not be processed/paid and will remain in the main funding account in Hyperwallet.

  • Send the corresponding program tokens based on which entity/level of merchant hierarchy the seller belongs to.

  • Payout will be directed to the corresponding operator bank account associated with the relevant merchant program in Hyperwallet.

Payout status updates

  • Send a failure notification to the operator by email in case of a payout failure (seller payout or operator payout).

  • Payout status will be received by HMC via a webhook.

Known limitations

The connector has the following limitations:

  • It only supports the following bank account types:

    • IBAN (EUR, CHF)

    • U.S. ABA (USD)


    • United Kingdom account (GBP).