Preflight and health checks

The connector includes different types of automated checks:

preflight checks

to ensure that the system is ready to work.

health checks

to ensure that a running system is OK.

info checks

to retrieve information about the running system.

Preflight start up checks

During the start up the connector does a series of checks to ensure that it’s ready to be work. It does the following checks:

  • Mirakl custom fields schema

  • Mirakl documents

  • Hyperwallet API connectivity

  • Mirakl API connectivity

The start up check system generates a report for each individual check, showing the issues founds and the check status. It also generates an summary status aggregating each individual check. The possible statuses are the following:

  • READY: The check has passed and no issues were found.

  • READY_WITH_WARNINGS: The check has passed but minor issues were found. The connector can be used but it’s recommended to solve the issues.

  • NOT_READY: The check hasn’t passed because at least one severe issue was found. You must solve the issue before using the connector in production.

The aggregated status of all the individual checks is the most severe status. For example, if one check is READY_WITH_WARNINGS and the others are READY, then the summary status is READY_WITH_WARNINGS.

By default, the connector continues working even when the aggregated report status is NOT_READY. This can be changed by setting to true the PAYPAL_HMC_start upCHECKS_EXITONFAIL environment variable.

The following is an example of a start up check report:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.209 [main] WARN   start - start up Check Report -> Status: <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>. Dumping individual checks:
22-07-2022 14:54:47.211 [main] INFO   start - start up Check: <miraklHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Mirakl API is accessible
status: UP
version: 3.213
22-07-2022 14:54:47.212 [main] INFO   start - start up Check: <hyperwalletHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Hyperwallet API is accessible
status: UP
22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN   start - start up Check: <miraklCustomFieldsSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
Item 'hw-bankaccount-token' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'description' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value. This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Actual value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value.  This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Item 'hw-stakeholder-government-id-count-3' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Government ID country code'
Actual value: 'Government ID country code '
Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'
22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN   start - start up Check: <miraklDocSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
An unexpected field named 'hw-bsh2-proof-address' has been found
Offending field details: MiraklDoc(code=hw-bsh2-proof-address, label=Business Stakeholder 2 - Proof of Address (front) (DEPRECATED), description=Please upload the photo page of Business Stakeholder 2 - Proof of Address document)

First it shows the summary status:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.209 [main] WARN   start - start up Check Report -> Status: <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>. Dumping individual checks:

Then there is a log entry for each individual check:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.211 [main] INFO   start - start up Check: <miraklHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Mirakl API is accessible
status: UP
version: 3.213

As shown in the examples, the log level is directly related to the status:

  • READY: It’s printed with INFO level

  • READY_WITH_WARNINGS: It’s printed with WARNING level

  • NOT_READY: It’s printed with ERROR level

There are some complex checks (for example custom fields) that makes multiple checks, in that cases in the log each individual issue found is printed:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN   start - start up Check: <miraklCustomFieldsSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
Item 'hw-bankaccount-token' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'description' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value. This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Actual value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value.  This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Item 'hw-stakeholder-government-id-count-3' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Government ID country code'
Actual value: 'Government ID country code '
Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'

Mirakl custom fields schema check

Custom field schema start up checks ensures that the custom fields expected by the definition exists and their definition is the expected.

This check only takes into account custom fields whose code starts with hw- which is the prefix used for all the custom fields used by the connector. It does three checks:

  • It checks that the required custom fields exist in Mirakl.

  • It checks that there aren’t unexpected custom fields in Mirakl. Since the system only takes into account hw- prefixed fields this won’t conflict with other custom fields that can exists in Mirakl for other purposes.

  • It checks the properties of each individual field to see if they are correct.

Each issue found has a different severity:

  • Field not found - this is a severe issue.

  • Unexpected field found - this is only a warning.

  • Custom field property doesn’t have the expected definition. In this case it depends on the property that doesn’t have the expected definition:

    • Wrong type - this is a severe issue. For example, the field should be a list but is a boolean.

    • Wrong permissions - this is a severe issue. For example, the field shouldn’t be visible to the sellers, but it’s visible.

    • Wrong regexp - this is a severe issue. A different regular expression than the expected has been found.

    • Wrong allowed values - this is a severe issue. For example, the field is a list and it should allow ONE and TWO values, but in Mirakl it allows ONE, TWO, THREE.

    • Wrong label - this is only a warning.

    • Wrong description - this is only a warning.

    • Wrong required value - this is only a warning. For example, the field hw-terms-consent is expected to not be required but in Mirakl is required. (Required value refers to if the field should be filled to be able to save changes in Mirakl Backoffice)

The final status of this check depends on the aggregated results of each individual checks:

  • READY: no issues were found.

  • READY_WITH_WARNINGS: no severe issues were found, but at least one warning was found.

  • NOT_READY: at least one severe issue was found.

Each individual issue found is printed into the log, like in this example:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN   start - start up Check: <miraklCustomFieldsSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
Item 'hw-bankaccount-token' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'description' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value. This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Actual value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value.  This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Item 'hw-stakeholder-government-id-count-3' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Government ID country code'
Actual value: 'Government ID country code '
Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'

For each individual issue in addition to the details of the issue the severity of the issue is also print:

  • Severity: RECOMMENDATION: This means that the issue is only a warning, it’s recommended to update the definition of the custom field, but it’s not mandatory.

  • Severity: BLOCKER: This means that this is a severe issue that can cause the connector to not work properly. Is mandatory to fix the issue.

For unexpected field definitions issues the log message is the following:

Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'

It shows:

  • The custom field that has a property with a wrong definition.

  • The name of the property.

  • The value expected by the connector.

  • The actual value found in Mirakl.

For field not founds issues, the log message is the following:

Expected field 'hw-program' has not been found
Offending field details: MiraklField(label=Hyperwallet Program, code=hw-program, description=Your Hyperwallet implementation may consist of one or more programs based on your payout needs. Select the appropriate program for this Seller/Payee., type=SINGLE_VALUE_LIST, permissions=INVISIBLE, required=null, regexpPattern=null, allowedValues=[])
Severity: BLOCKER

It shows:

  • The custom field that wasn’t found.

  • The details of the field including the expected value for each property.

For unexpected fields the log message is the following:

An unexpected field named 'hw-program-old' has been found
Offending field details: MiraklField(label=Hyperwallet Program, code=hw-program, description=Your Hyperwallet implementation may consist of one or more programs based on your payout needs. Select the appropriate program for this Seller/Payee., type=SINGLE_VALUE_LIST, permissions=INVISIBLE, required=null, regexpPattern=null, allowedValues=[])

It shows:

  • The custom field that was unexpectedly found.

  • The details of the field including the value for each property that was retrieved from Mirakl.

Mirakl documents check

This check is only useful for uncommon deployments that need to check the custom documents in Mirakl. By default, by default it doesn’t do anything.

Hyperwallet API connectivity

This check tests if Hyperwallet API is accessible and if the configuration (user/password) is correct. To do this check, the connector makes a request to the /programs Hyperwallet endpoint and tries to retrieve the token specified by the variable PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PROGRAM_TOKEN_USERS_DEFAULT.

22-07-2022 14:54:47.212 [main] INFO   start - start up Check: <hyperwalletHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Hyperwallet API is accessible
status: UP

In case of errors, it will display the error message returned by the Hyperwallet SDK.

Mirakl API connectivity

This check tests if Mirakl API is accessible and if the configuration (access token) is correct. To do this check the connector makes a request to V01 Health Check Endpoint of Mirakl that returns the version of Mirakl.

The log shows the following:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.211 [main] INFO   start - start up Check: <miraklHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Mirakl API is accessible
status: UP
version: 3.213

In case of error it will display the error message returned by the Mirakl SDK.

Health check

The connector exposes a health check endpoint under route /actuator/health that returns an object like this whenever the server is up and running:

  "status": "DOWN",
  "components": {
    "db": {
      "status": "UP",
      "components": {
        "applicationDataSource": {
          "status": "UP",
          "details": {
            "database": "H2",
            "validationQuery": "isValid()"
        "notificationsDataSource": {
          "status": "UP",
          "details": {
            "database": "H2",
            "validationQuery": "isValid()"
        "sellersDataSource": {
          "status": "UP",
          "details": {
            "database": "H2",
            "validationQuery": "isValid()"
    "diskSpace": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "total": 494384795648,
        "free": 182405443584,
        "threshold": 10485760,
        "exists": true
    "hyperwalletAPIHealthCheck": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "location": ""
    "mail": {
      "status": "DOWN",
      "details": {
        "location": "localhost:1025",
        "error": "com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 1025; timeout 5000"
    "miraklAPIHealthCheck": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "version": "3.213",
        "location": ""
    "ping": {
      "status": "UP"

It shows each individual health check and the aggregated health check status. As part of the checks, it shows miraklAPIHealthCheck and hyperwalletAPIHealthCheck checks, which are the same checks made during the startup check.

The example shown before has a DOWN status because one of the dependencies, the mail system, that isn’t accessible. If you are only interested in knowing if the connector is up, you can look at ping check.

Version info check

For knowing the version of the connector you’re running you can query the URL /actuator/info to return a version object:

  "app": {
    "name": "Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector",
    "description": "Drop in connector for interconnecting Mirakl and Hyperwallet systems"
  "build": {
    "artifact": "web",
    "name": "web",
    "time": "2021-06-25T12:55:52.428Z",
    "version": "release-3.0-5-ga3d1009.dirty",
    "group": "com.paypal"